One to another: How do we continue to move things forward?

Presenter Jason Arday, Professor of Sociology of Education, University of Cambridge. Watch the recording Recording: One to Another: How do we continue to move things forward? | Jason Arday About the presenter Professor Arday is the 2002 Professorial Chair in the Sociology of Education at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education. Previously, Jason was […]


The Caring University: A roadmap to reimagining the higher education workplace

Presenter Dr Kevin McClure, Murphy Distinguished Scholar of Education, Associate Professor of Higher Education at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Watch the recording Recording: The Caring University, Kevin McClure Introduction Many colleges and universities continue to experience high turnover, prolonged vacancies, and questions about how to engage employees. Drawing on his in-progress book, Dr. […]


Refinancing higher education – #HigherEdSeminarSeries

Panellists: Vincent Carpentier, University College London Kate Ogden, Institute for Fiscal Studies Mark Corver, DataHE Discussant: Huw Morris, University College London Access to recording here: Reconceptualising marketisation: Do you want to learn more about the #HigherEdSeminarSeries? Visit the website here:


Practices of Becoming: First-generation students transition to university

School of Education, University of Bristol 35 Berkeley Square, Bristol, United Kingdom

Presenter Flora Petrik, University of Tübingen Registration Click here to register. Location This is an in-person event. Introduction My presentation explores the learning experiences of first-generation students in higher education. […]


As open as possible, as closed as necessary? Open science, commercialisation, and the Irish research and innovation landscape

School of Education, University of Bristol 35 Berkeley Square, Bristol, United Kingdom

Presenter Kalpana Shankar, Professor of Information and Communication Studies, University College Dublin. Registration Click here to register. Location This is an in-person event. Introduction Research funders have invested significant resources […]


Researching academic working life: outside-the-box perspectives

School of Education, University of Bristol 35 Berkeley Square, Bristol, United Kingdom

Presenter Linda Evans, Professor of Education at the University of Manchester’s Institute of Education, and Associate of the Centre for Higher Education Transformations at the School of Education, University of […]


Undoing internationalisation? – #HigherEdSeminarSeries

Panellists: Hans de Wit, Boston College Jenna Mittelmeier, University of Manchester Malcolm Tight, University of Lancaster Discussant: Catherine Montgomery, University of Durham Watch recording: Reconceptualising marketisation: Do you want […]


The reshaping of higher education by digital technologies – #HigherEdSeminarSeries

Panellists: David Staley, The Ohio State University Tanner Mirrlees, Ontario Tech University Darren Moon, London School of Economics Discussant: Janja Komljenovic, University of Edinburgh Watch recording: Reconceptualising marketisation: Do […]


Impacted Or Impactful? The Research Impact Agenda as A Project in Cultural Transition

School of Education, University of Bristol 35 Berkeley Square, Bristol, United Kingdom

Presenter Dr Justyna Bandola-Gill, Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham), and Associate of the Centre for Higher Education Transformations at the School of Education, University of Bristol. Registration Click […]
